Monday 23 February 2015

CHANGE: It Starts with ME…

CHANGE: It Starts with ME…

      Change had been a part of our lives. Change is always there, it goes whenever, wherever, however, whatever and whoever wants to come. When we say change, it may be for better or for worse. Change may bring success or failure to anyone. It is the only thing that is permanent in this world. Everything changes as time passes by. Even a second can have a thousand changes that would change next days or even weeks. A lot of us are saying that it is difficult to change. But, what we do not know is that we do it all the time. We change clothes, change Facebook profile pictures, and change minds.
     But I know, hand in hand, we Filipinos can change for the love of our homeland.
   But, as I grew, I realized that the change must have started with something. It all started when I thought that the world is a paradise. Then, things changed. So, to paraphrase the idea, the change that had a great impact on my personality all started by myself.



   Every person has their own dreams for their future. And every student like me has a dream for their future. After graduation, some of us will go to different colleges and universities.    Me, as a student, as a young fine lady and as a person dreams to become a successful Engineer someday. I wanted to pursue this dream of mine. There are so many reasons behind this dream that I want to prove to myself and to my family that I can. That a young lady CAN do it. Even though they are against this ambition and dream of mine. And also, I want to continue the steps that my tito’s left behind. I
   Being an engineer is only one of my dreams that I know I can do it. 

Insight: Kannawidan Ylocos Festival

“KANNAWIDAN”, the Iloko Foundation of Arts and Culture.

        Kannawidan is a variant of the Ilocano “tawid” which means heritage or inheritance. An esteemed and respected cultural foundation of Ilocanos who hold a deep respect for our heritage, instilling pride and sense of identity among all Ilocanos committed to ensure the conversion, preservation and promotion of the Iloko cultural artistic, historical and intellectual heritage.They wanted to revitalize in the youth and the generations of the future the pride of their heritage.   The magnificent idea developed and is now a living reality, KANNAWIDAN, the Iloko Foundation of Arts and Culture. When I was a kid, I never really knew the true importance of this festival. All I knew was that my parents take me to Vigan every year to watch shows and programs. It is where Yloko culture and tradition is at its best. In other words, it is a showcase – “A Showcase of Culture and Tradition”. Although    I am not really fund of parties and get-togethers, I often go with my family to check out the Kannawidan annually. 

Saturday 27 December 2014


ICT on the WAY...

During this grading period, I have encountered some problems. One of these problems is that I am lazy in copying the instructions in making an HTML document file using the notepad. Our teacher advised us to copy the instructions in our notebook for future references. The second thing is my hectic schedule. Thus, I cannot accomplish my blogs on time. 
 There are many ways to address these problems. I must focus my attention and direct my potentials in getting good grades in all of our subjects. I must be industrious enough to accomplish my tasks in school. Also, I have to balance my time in my academic and extra- curricular activities so I can pass my requirements on time.
     For the next months, I want to learn more in using different applications of a computer. I also want to widen my knowledge about computers and to govern the changes brought by modernization.Calendars once again stripped to the tenth month of the year- October. This means that our second grading period has just ended. And for five months of learning ICT, we had acquired many learning in life. I have learned HTML Tags and how to use the Notepad. Here, we were trained to follow the instructions required to accomplish one HTML document file. 

Essence of Christmas

Silver bells, Christmas tree, Santa Claus and candy canes are the things that usually come into a person's mind when the word Christmas is mentioned. Most of the kids would be expecting for brand new shoes and clothes that they will wear during the Christmas party in their schools. There are lots of Christmas cards on the stores' windows that you would be enticed to pick one and to send it to your love one thinking that it is the essence of Christmas. Christmas is a time when people seem to have all the reasons in the world to give to the underprivileged and to visit the charity homes. You can't expect anything less during Christmas time from the bonus that you receive from your boss to the discounts in the malls and service centers.


But what is the essence of Christmas? Is it a season that man made in order to give dole outs to other people, to brag about the latest designer's clothes during Christmas party, to attend the "simbang gabi" ( Catholic mass conducted early in the morning), a big turkey on the table for thanksgiving day and to have the most lighted house in the street? In my opinion, Christmas is the most solemn time of the year. Try to recall how Christmas came into existence. It started when one night when a little boy was born on a manger inside a barn in Bethlehem. His mother along with her husband went to Jerusalem for the census. Since there was no available inn for them to stay due to the massive number of people who went to the city for the census they decided to stay in a barn on top of a hill. There, his mother gave birth. You may ask why it's so significant when in fact there are many babies born in barns, caves, cabs and even airplanes. But if you would read the bible which has been proven to be so accurate and infallible, you will realize that this boy is the richest man that ever existed. This boy is the king of kings. This boy is the heir of all things. His mother was a virgin when she conceived him. How can that be? Well, the Holy Spirit did it.

Climate Change


Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns when that change lasts for an extended period of time. Climate change may refer to a change in average weather conditions, or in the time variation of weather around longer-term average conditions (more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as "global warming".

Life affects climate through its role in the carbon and water cycles and such mechanisms as albedo, evapotranspiration, cloud formation, and weathering. Examples of how life may have affected past climate include: glaciation 2.3 billion years ago triggered by the evolution of oxygenic photosynthesis, glaciation 300 million years ago ushered in by long-term burial of decomposition-resistant detritus of vascular land plants (forming coal),  termination of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum 55 million years ago by flourishing marine phytoplankton,  reversal of global warming 49 million years ago by 800,000 years of arctic azolla blooms, and global cooling over the past 40 million years driven by the expansion of grass-grazer ecosystems.
Human activities have contributed also to the growing concern of climate change. This is by burning plastics, in factories and from using different vehicles. All of these have increased the greenhouse effect and caused the Earth’s surface temperature to rise.

Theme: "Outpouring Hearts and Minds through Literacy and English Proficiency"


English skills will open many doors of opportunities in our lives .through reading, we can travel around the globe; we can discover places, other cultures and beliefs of people. There are a lot of lessons to be learned or gained from reading books.
It is a fact that people with developed English skills are preferred in every field. The world is international, now in its perspective. In fact, students with an English medium background enjoy more preference throughout their lives. 
With the combination of heart and mind through the English language, people tend to have a better lifestyle and produce a world with a new horizon. The need of learning the language from a basic to an advanced level is increasing by the day.