Monday 23 February 2015

CHANGE: It Starts with ME…

CHANGE: It Starts with ME…

      Change had been a part of our lives. Change is always there, it goes whenever, wherever, however, whatever and whoever wants to come. When we say change, it may be for better or for worse. Change may bring success or failure to anyone. It is the only thing that is permanent in this world. Everything changes as time passes by. Even a second can have a thousand changes that would change next days or even weeks. A lot of us are saying that it is difficult to change. But, what we do not know is that we do it all the time. We change clothes, change Facebook profile pictures, and change minds.
     But I know, hand in hand, we Filipinos can change for the love of our homeland.
   But, as I grew, I realized that the change must have started with something. It all started when I thought that the world is a paradise. Then, things changed. So, to paraphrase the idea, the change that had a great impact on my personality all started by myself.

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