Friday 26 September 2014

Teachers' Day Celebration


                  Heroes are not like real superheroes, people who could fly, who could hold a car using their forefinger, not even fighting villains for saving the world. Then… what is a hero? When talking about heroes, they’re the one who strengthen you, the one who are at your side whenever you’re down because they are there to lift you up.

                Your hero can be your mom, dad, brother, sister, friend or it can be your teacher. Well, a teacher for me is most likely a hero because they do lots of things just to do their works. A teacher is similar to a hero for some reasons. The quality that I like most about my teacher is that he still keeps on smiling at the end of the day even if he’s very tired. He did it just to remind us that she’s strong and she just laugh on her problems and never gives up to God’s challenges. 
             All teachers can be a hero if they have determination,patience,courage and dedication to work that can really inspire students. A hero is not only famous and seen on television because you can be a hero on your simple way.
         My teacher is a superhero because he teaches me a lot. He is strict but very supportive and very sincere.He is very nice and fun to be with. Sometimes he is like my father because he is someone who can understand me. He is like a star in the night guiding my way not to be lost and became a better person.He always teaches us a good moral lesson. Like a hero,my teacher always helps me whenever i have problems in our subject especially in English and he will sincerely help me with no doubt. A hero is someone who helps people.I really like my teacher. For me, he is the best teacher that I ever had. And even though we said we can't and we don't have any experience regarding that contest but still he always encouraged us to join. That is the best thing that my teacher has. He pulls her students up and helps them rise whenever they are down. I admire him for that. I know that being a teacher is really hard because you will always meet people with different faces and attitudes that can really make you tired. Though that is his case, he always give her leisure time to us just to have conversation and tell some stories with his on many things. He is really a positive person. He is so friendly not only to us his students but to others also. He always smile and laugh whenever we have jokes to tell. He may not be like those superheroes on television who have super powers,but for me he is not only a superhero but a friend that can be trusted. He will always be my superhero and he will always be the best teacher in the world no matter what.
         My teacher affects my life and inspires me a lot. I learned many great words. I do not remember what they all were; but I do know that mother, father, brother, teacher were among them words that were to make the world blossom for me. My teacher is my superhero because he’s not perfect but he tries to do the best for everyone and I owe him one. He’s one of the reasons why I keep holding my dreams and that I’ll keep wanting to get the excellence.
Hera are just some of my many reasons why I can proudly say that, MY TEACHER, IS MY SUPERHERO.

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