Tuesday 12 August 2014

REFLECTION: First Quarter

Make a reflection on all the learning you gained during the First quarter following the guide questions:

a. What are the learning/discoveries that i have gained?
b. What are the problems/challenges that i have encountered?
c. How did I address these challenges?
d. Moving on, I will...

What are the learnings/discoveries that I have gained? For me, I have learned and discovered that our subject ICT-TLE IV is interesting and I have many things I’ve known about this subject. First of all, this is my first time that I have done posting blogs to the internet. The time I’ve grown up, and have already knowledge about the computer and the internet, I asked myself, how do people can edit and post something to the internet. They are so intelligent, I said to myself. Someday, somehow, I want to be like them when I grow up. But now, I’m already doing it. And I did it because of this subject. I had reached one of my goals in life, and that is when I discovered and learned how to post blogs to the internet.

What are the problems/ challenges that I have encountered? One of the problems I have encountered is that at first I don’t know how to do it because I’m not listening to my teacher. I did have other business when my teacher discusses something about this matter. So, I have to do asking and asking to my classmates and to my teacher all over again. And when I asked, my teacher would be mad at me because I didn’t listen to the explanation.

How did I address these challenges? I address these challenges by trying harder and concentrate on doing my task. I also did overcome these challenges by having a self-study and advanced reading on how to do the activity that is given to us.

Moving on, I will continue doing what I have been doing during the first grading period and not just continue it but by improving my skills. 

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