Saturday 27 December 2014

Equal Rights, Equal Opportunities


Gender- based discrimination is still one of the problems of human rights violation. It is under estimating the ability of women. In spite of the worldwide advocacy and promotion of Gender equality, there are still cases of discrimination and violence inflicted to women.
To connect it with equal opportunities, in terms of gender equality, between a boy and a girl finding a job in a factory. Sometimes, they always prioritize the boys first because people are lock up with the fact that only boys can do the heavy things. They block the door of opportunities for girls, which is wrong. Every human being in this world deserves to be treated equally, to have equal rights and equal opportunities.
Individual rights are prerequisite to human living. If these rights are denied, the person will not be given equal opportunity to prove his/her worth as a human being.

Let’s respect the dignity of every person by giving him/her the rights to enjoy equal opportunities. After all, we were created equal by our creator.

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