Wednesday 9 July 2014

A letter to the President of the Philippines.

Dear Sir President:                            

                  I'm thankful sir that you have responded to our problems and requests regarding the law of anti violence against women and children. I'm also thankful that you have already implemented, many of your programs and projects to our country. And I'm also thankful that you approved and implemented laws to our country especially the Republic Act 9262 "Anti Violence Against Women and Children".                                                                          Republic Act 9262 "Anti Violence Against Women and Children. Thus, this law you have approved and implemented shows that you really care about us. You really showed and proved to us that you really care about the people behind you and also for our country. In this law you have helped many people especially women and children. This law that you have implemented shows that you didn't leave and forget about us even though you are now on the highest position in this country. You didn't broke any of your promises to us during your champagne periods.                                                       
                     In this case I'm really thankful to you with all my heart because of your unending effort to help us and your effort to respond to lessen those many unwanted crimes especially to many families who have a numb heart to his wife and to his children especially to the girls. And I hope you to continue your work and services to our country.

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